The Game of Unpredictable

This is a Gin-like card game with seven levels of requirements that must be met before you lay down. Each player must eventually meet the requirement before going on to the next level.

The Play

Use two decks of cards. Deal 11 cards to each player. Turn one card up in the discard pile and the rest make up the draw pile. At each turn you may draw one card or pick up the top card on the discard pile. The object of the game is to get the lowest score. Deal a new hand whenever a person lays down all of his cards. You can not lay down any cards until you have laid down the required number of sets and runs in the number you are working on. Dueces and Jokers are wild, no more than half of a run or set can be wild. Additional sets must contain at least 3 cards, runs must contain at least 4 cards. When keeping score, keep track of each person's score and the levels that they have completed. After you have laid down your required sets and runs you may play on anybody's sets and runs. Getting through the levels only serves to finish the game. At the end of the game, the winner is the one with the lowest score.

The Levels

  1. two sets of three
  2. one run of four, one set of three
  3. two sets of four
  4. two runs of four
  5. one run of four, one set of four
  6. three sets of three
  7. one run of seven, one set of three


Points are scored on cards you are still holding at the end of the hand. Dueces, jokers, and aces are worth 20. Cards numbered 3 through 7 are worth 5. Cards numbered 8 through king are worth 10.

Paul Chamberlain